Outline of the project - starting from a scuff concept art
So, after a bit over a year of actual Live2D requests done and doing experimentations with my own models, it is time to be a bit daring and do what generally has been seen as a bit of a no-no a few years ago.
Since this is a completely new thing for me, I've decided to log the experience here in form of blog entries, similar to my guide for newbies using the free version of Live2D, only that this time I am going to use the paid version, to not restrict myself.
First of all, this is the concept:

(Sorry for the scuff, I did this in Paint... nothing is definite here, the final design might look different)
As you can see, this model will be a sitting one from an angled perspective, basically committing all no-goes in the world of Live2D models - although they've been gained a lot in popularity lately, most likely because of Kson from VShoujo using one (standing but side profile and not centered).
First, I will just prepare the illustration of the model, as per usual, I will be drawing the layers already separated from the get go, to make the reformatting process as smooth as possible.
The parts will be separated into the following rough parts (layer order of the model without accessories):
Head Front
The head is going to be in a very awkward order, since the default position is going to be from the top left corner, the order the pieces are drawn will be very different than usual. Since 180 degree face warping usually takes weeks to do properly, it is still up for debate how far I will go with this model tilting the head to the right side. "Cheating" with warping the face with one single deformer won't do me any good here, and neither will synthesizing the corners.
Front Hair
Left Side Bang
Left Ear
Face (including all the extremities such as eyes, nose and mouth)
Back Hair
Right Side Bang
Right Ear
Left Arm
Left Sleeve
Left Under Arm
Left Hand
Left Upper Arm
Left Ellbow
Left Collar Side
Right Collar Side
Chest Clothes (eventually multilayered)
Left Chest
Right Chest
Torso Clothes
Vest Top
Skirt Top
Left Leg
Left Boot Front Flaps
Left Boot Gem
Left Boot Ribbon
Left Boot Mid Part
Left Boot Back
Left Boot Front
Left Lower Leg
Left Boot Back Flaps
Left Thigh
Torso Base
Upper Torso
Lower Torso
Left Butt Cheek
Right Leg
Right Thigh
Right Boot
Right Lower Leg
Right Arm Parts
Head Back
Ponytail (or any other hair pieces, tbd.)
On the next blog entry, we shall have a look at the illustration and the separate parts.