A Ghost Based on a Japanese Folklore
Hanako-san, according to Japanese urban legends is a spirit of a young girl who is haunting school toilets.
How Hanako-san became a ghost in the first place is unclear, maybe she'll tell you someday if you come across her in her streams.
Her "Project Gachiko" serial number is 875, which can be read as "HA-NA-KO" in Japanese. That number is also on her badge on the chest.
Despite being a ghost, she seems to have grown throughout the years, maybe with help of all the negative energy she has harvested from her prank victims.
Currently not in use, free for adoption.
PNG-tuber model, Production year 2021

A Kappa Girl Based on Japanese Legends and Folklore
Kurara is a cheerful Kappa who has decided to become famous in on the internet and has left her hidden village behind to make it big in the idol industry.
As a Yokai, she might have it harder to find fans as her kin is known for stealing human souls. She takes this however with humor, even going so far to put a badge on her chest with the word "butt" on it (read up how Kappas steal souls).
Her favorite flower is without big surprise the cucumber flower.
Currently not in use, free for adoption.
PNG-tuber model, Production year 2021

Meet the Scylla Doctor of the Navelreid. She is a very close friend of Gachiko Nana.
Octavia, or short Octa is a crew member of the flying whale fortress, the Navelreid, of which even her ancestors were living on.
As one of the ship doctors, Octa is liked by most crew members as her kind nature pairs well with her profession.
Her dream is someday to become a captain with her own ship.
She always wears a swimsuit because she has to keep her skin hydrated regularly. The coat is apparently water resistant and a keepsake of her dad.
Currently not in use.
PNG-tuber model, Production year 2021

Onitsuka Keiko (鬼束 惠虎)
A ferocious tiger and part of the zodiac onsen staff.
Keiko was created to celebrate the year of the tiger 2022 and was posted on Twitter on January 30 2022.
She's on the wild side and doesn't like to dress up. Maybe that's why she ended up working in an hot spring resort.
During her free time you'll more often than not see her sitting in one of the baths sipping on her sake.
She doesn't seem to have any quality as a hot spring clerk and has that for taken the role of a bouncer instead.
Currently not in use.
PNG-tuber model, Production year 2022